Pinterest Challenge

Pinterest Challenge

Friday, September 5, 2014

Sweat Log, Friday, September 5th

It was a tough one this week! I did the pins to the best of my ability with the exception of the shower one. By the time I have done what I can muster through my rear, thighs, and abs I am spent.

Today was arm work at the gym; rest day was yesterday. This week I have run almost 4 miles and lifted weights for my arms and legs. I can barely type this update because my arms are melting into my desk as my fingers reach desperately for the keys on my laptop. About now I am in need of a butler, a chef, and a personal care giver...I don't think I can even dress myself today after this week.

Ok, Enough whining. I am tired but I am glad I stuck to it. We will see if my rear can no longer hold a pencil by 9/30/2014. That is one of my goals anyway. Another goal is to tighten up the excess "me" on my bod. I know there is a hot slim chick in there somewhere; I just have to melt some layers to find her. HA!

I will let you know if I do any of these this weekend or not. My plan is to do the Butt Pin on Sunday, the shower pin tonight and tomorrow, and possibly the abs on Sunday too. I just find it best to do the abs after a good workout like today.

Well for those of you that are reading, thank you! You don't have to leave a comment, but I would like to know if you are attempting any Pinterest Fitness Challenge. It is free other than the price of your internet and it could actually save you money on healthcare in the long run. If not, I sell life insurance, HA, bad joke I know.

Well happy first week of September and keep on pinning!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Let's Get This Party Started!

Today is Tuesday 9/2 and I have run this morning and utilized all the arm and chest machines at the gym. But this blog is about taking on a Pinterest Pin and see what results I can get. After further thought I will have to revise my plan a tad. Since the equipment at the gym is how I am going to firm my muscles for tone and strength I am going to remove the arm challenge. Today I am tackling the following Pins:
This particular pin is intended to be done every other day. It will be the following days in September: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30. That is only 15 days out of my month, out of my life; I am pretty sure I can stick to it! I do have to tell you that I can only do one set of the Bulgarian Split Squats and one set of the High Step Ups. Maybe I did these too soon after running today.

To be fair, I have been planking for a year but I have not been consistent. My goal for this challenge, which is a daily one, is to be consistent. Over the last year, I have noticed definition in my back and I attribute it in whole to planking! I highly recommend it!! 

My abs need so much help!! I am hoping this challenge and the thought of Gerard Butler in his role will help motivate me. Plus, I want to look awesome for my very own gladiator, Scott Miller! He is the love of my life and workout partner. He works hard and I see his personal results which is also highly motivating!

I know this is how I will look....IN THE FACE! ha!

This pin is geared to challenge you right before hopping in the shower. It should take less than 5-7 minutes which I can usually lose by zoning out, so this should prove doable over the next 28 days! 

Keep on pinning and let me know of your challenges plus the results!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Pinner to PinUp

This is the beginning of the middle of my journey. Please don't get the wrong idea, I am not looking to be plastered all over anyone's magazine or wall but it would not be a bad thing to look good enough to be! I guess it is time to admit that I am what the world calls "middle aged" now. Geez, that sounds just awful! I am a 42 year old divorced mother of 2, one in college and one in high school. I have the battle scars and fatigue to prove it. So what is my purpose? What is my point? I am tired of being tired! Aren't you? I can see your head nodding now.

First of all, I want to point out that I am not a personal trainer or professional of any kind in the fitness world. Secondly, PLEASE CONSULT A PHYSICIAN. I am not a trainer or a doctor. Third, I have been in a rut physically and financially so I need to get creative. Finally, I simply feel better when I am doing things in balance.

As you could probably tell from the banner at the top of my blog this has something to do with Pinterest too. With all the Pinterest project failures and attention along with many unmanned gym memberships, I thought this type of challenge is right up my alley. My gym membership ends on 9/6 but just because I have lost my funds it doesn't mean I want to lose my guns!

Now, getting to the point I am going to use this blog to document my aches and pains along with the record success and all free of charge to me! The following images can be tracked back to my Pinterest account at Feel free to follow that board if you desire.

My next 30 days will consist of the following routines and challenges as well as my 3-4 times a week of going to the gym. I will maintain my diet to a moderate level but an intense one. I want a realistic perspective on the results. Most of us will not make all the changes at once. Also, I would like to add I am not as consistent with the gym as I should be and I have slacked on my running too. Tomorrow is a new day and my allergies are much better than yesterday! HA!

I hope you follow along. I would do different challenges over the next few months 30 days at a time. I hope to pronounce SUCCESS when it is all said and done!
Thank you!!!